Stephen S. Smith Center



April 10, 2024

Presentation by Neal McCluskey,

Director of CATO's Center for Educational Freedom.

Mr. 麦克拉斯基将发表关于择校和社会凝聚力的演讲. Copies of his book, The Fractured Schoolhouse, will be available for purchase and signing.

6:00-6:30 -接待和签售,《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》
6:30-7:30 - Remarks and Q/A

Sorry, event registration is now closed






FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2022 at Noon

Luncheon Panel Presentation





Fragmentary Wholes 


 Free Market Revolution



Luncheon with Lara Logan, October 15, 2021

Lara Logan

Watch the Lara Logan Luncheon Recording



Yuval Levin: Restoring Trust in our Institutions. April 5, 2021


2021年4月5日,史密斯中心与伦理/宗教共同主办 & Society to receive Dr. Yuvan Levin in a panel discussion with Dr. Steve Frankel (Philosophy), Dr. Anas Malik (Political Science) , Georgia Davis (Political Science major), and Mickey Townsend (SGA President, PPP major) Dr. Levis and the panelist discussed how to restore trust in our institutions. 

Dr. Yuvan Levin


Dr.  Levin is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute; editor of National Affairs, and author of "建设的时代:从家庭和社区到国会和校园";  How Recommitting to our institutions Can revive the American Dream.






Michel Loban, InfoTrust: “数字分析对下一代营销人员和分析师的力量” October 29, 2020


On October 29, 2020, the Smith Center hosted Michael Loban, 他讨论了“数字分析对下一代营销人员和分析师的力量” 

Michael Loban

迈克尔·洛班是InfoTrust的首席增长官, 全球分析咨询和数据治理公司. He is the author of "Crawl, Walk, 和Run: advanced Analytics”,他的文章发表在《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》上, AdWeek, and CIO Magazine.







Mary Grabar: “霍华德·津恩与为历史真相而战” October 22, 2020


Mary Grabar


On October 22, 2020, the Smith Center hosted Mary Grabar, who discussed her book: Debunking Howard Zinn.

Dr. 格拉巴尔出生在斯洛文尼亚,当时斯洛文尼亚还是共产主义南斯拉夫的一部分,他在罗切斯特长大, New York. She earned her Ph.D. 从乔治亚大学获得英语学位,并在埃默里大学任教至2013年. In 2014, Dr. 格拉巴尔成为亚历山大·汉密尔顿西方文明研究所的常驻研究员. 她还创立了一个非营利性改革倡议“异见教授”. Education Project"





Bruce Caldwell: "Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom on its 75th Anniversary" September 16,2020


Bruce Caldwell


2020年9月16日,史密斯中心接待了史密斯博士. Bruce Caldwell who discussed 哈耶克《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》.

Dr. 考德威尔是杜克大学的研究教授. 他的研究重点是经济思想史, 对F. A. Hayek. 他是《推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台》的主编. A. 哈耶克,由芝加哥大学出版社和劳特利奇出版社出版. 他是政治经济史中心的主任, 一个旨在促进…研究的中心, 以及经济思想史的教学.





Lawrence H. White "The Importance of F. A. Hayeks "The Road to Serfdom" September 7, 2020


Lawrence H. White


On September 7, 2020, the Smith Center hosted Dr. Lawrence White who discussed F.A. Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom".

Dr. 怀特是乔治梅森大学经济学教授,也是F.A. 哈耶克哲学、政治和经济学高级研究项目.  




2020年3月4日,史密斯中心主持了一个关于第二次招聘的专家小组. The panelist were: Dan Meyer, CEO of Nehemiah Industries, Rachel Alex Love, CEO of Alex Love Consulting, Marcus Sheanshang, CEO of JBM Packaging, and Jeff Korzenik, Chief Investment Strategist of Fifth Third Bank


Michael Tanner: The Inclusive Economy

On October 23rd of 2019, 迈克尔·坦纳与我们的史密斯学者讨论了如何在美国消除贫困




FMC's Congress to Campus Visit

On September 13th of 2019, 史密斯中心邀请了前国会议员彼得·史密斯(R-VT)和尼克·拉霍尔(D-WV)参加一个关于弥合我们政治分歧的两党小组



Smith Scholars Luncheon

On January 19th of 2019, 史密斯中心和泽维尔社区欢迎第一批史密斯学者!



Opioid Epidemic Forum, 2018




On February 23rd of 2018, 史密斯中心举办了由山姆·奎诺内斯参加的杰出演讲午餐会. He is the author of Dreamland, 这是《推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台》的畅销书,讲述了海洛因成瘾如何在美国成为一种流行病的故事. 除此之外,山姆还分享了他的旅行和调查的故事,这成为了小说的基础, 该活动还包括两个小组的发言人,包括执行法官加里·摩尔, Paul T. Farrell Jr., Esq., Tanya Cornett LPCC, and two family members sharing their own tragic, yet inspiring, 危机过后的韧性和寻找希望的故事.



Fall 2017 Speaker Series: J.D. Vance



J. D. Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy. 一本关于他成长过程中阿巴拉契亚价值观的回忆录,以及这些价值观与他家乡社会问题的关系. 这本书曾在2016年和2017年登上《推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台》畅销书排行榜. 在2016年大选期间,它作为了解白人工人阶级的窗口,引起了全国媒体的极大关注.

J.D. Vance毕业于俄亥俄州立大学和耶鲁大学法学院, 并担任Mithril Capital Management风险投资公司的负责人.  In January 2017, Vance became a CNN Contributor. 2017年4月,罗恩·霍华德(Ron Howard)签约执导一部基于《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》的电影 Hillbilly Elegy. The Stephen S. Smith Center hosted J.D. Vance on September 29, 2017. 


Matthew McCormick Investment Symposium, 2017



On January 26, 2017, the Center co-hosted, with the Fifth Third Trading Center, 马修·麦考密克辛辛那提投资研讨会.研讨会的主题演讲是由Angela McGlowan发表的, Fox News American Political Commentator, 还有两场金融和经济专家的小组讨论, 经济和投资环境报道:斯科特·科尔伯特, SVP, Chief Economist and Director of Fixed Income Management at Commerce Bank; Mike Condon, SVP, Institutional Investments at Fund Evaluation Group; James E. Russell Jr.他是Bahl的副总裁兼首席投资组合经理,负责投资研究和客户服务 & Gaynor; Michael McDonough, Global Director of Economic Research & Chief Economist at Bloomberg Intelligence; R. Stafford Johnson, Director of the Smith Center and Professor of Finance at Xavier University; Nathan Bachrach, CEO at Simply Money.


Fall 2016 Speaker Series: John Taylor




On October 16, 2016, Dr. John Taylor, was the Stephen S. Smith Center's first distinguished speaker. Dr. 泰勒是斯坦福大学玛丽和罗伯特雷蒙德经济学教授,胡佛研究所高级研究员. He is a well-respected economist, 曾在总统经济顾问委员会担任高级经济学家,并担任多家中央银行的顾问. He is perhaps most famous for Taylor's Rule.