P-5 Primary Education

Early or Middle Childhood Education with a Latino Focus

The Latino Focus is a unique elective course of study within the four-year bachelor degree program in the Department of Childhood Education and Literacy. This guided focus is a selection of interdisciplinary courses, selected field assignments, and cultural engagement intended to enhance the student's understanding of, practice with, and teaching of Latino peoples. The Latino Focus is designed to meet the educational needs of the increasing Latino population in the greater Cincinnati area.

Open to undergraduate education students who are interested in Latino culture.

Three hours fulfill the Department of Childhood Education and Literacy requirements. Of the possible core courses, nine hours are specified in history and language. No additional courses are required but language needs to be at the 202 level or higher. A total of 15 credit hours are dedicated to the Latino Focus.

Can begin at any time during the first or second year in the undergraduate education program. The Latino Focus should be completed within two years.

The education field hours are based in a community agency or school that consists of a Latino population.

Contact the program advisor listed below, or call the Department of Childhood Education and Literacy at 513-745-3701.

Course Information**
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
EDEL 351 Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners 3
EDCH 320 Multicultural Literature with Latin American Focus* 3
HIST 151 Latin American History I* 3
HIST 152 Latin American History II 3
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II* (or higher) 3
Total Hours 15

*Can fulfill core courses

Any of the courses in the Latin American Studies Minor can be taken to enhance the Latino Focus; e.g., literature, theology. A major/minor in Spanish or a minor in Latin American Studies can be incorporated.


Cultural Engagement

Students will also attend five Xavier University cultural events offered by the Spanish program during the two-year completion of the Latino Focus.


Program Advisor

Dr. Delane Bender-Slack

Department of Childhood Education and Literacy

Room 312 Hailstones

Phone: 745-3958

email: benderslackd@bb-led.com

**Curriculum is subject to change.