

A Modern View of His Life 和 Work


St. 弗朗西斯·泽维尔,其中之一 St. 伊格内修斯洛约拉的 最亲密的朋友,也是耶稣会最初的创始伙伴, is most honored by the Catholic Church, other Christian churches, 并因他在印度的传教成就而被授予耶稣会勋章, Southeast Asia 和 Japan. 他于1506年出生在西班牙北部巴斯克地区的家族城堡里, the fifth 和 youngest child of noble, 富有的, 虔诚的父母.

At the age of nineteen years, 和 after completing preliminary course of studies, he left home permanently, bound for the University of Paris. 三十岁的时候, he had earned a Master of Arts degree in philosophy, taught the subject for four years 和 then studied 神学 两年了.

While studying at the University, 伊格内修斯洛约拉, who was a fellow student, became an increasingly important influence on 泽维尔. So much so that, despite early reluctance, 泽维尔 eventually made 灵修 在他的指导下. 1534年8月,他与依纳爵和其他五位同伴一起宣誓. Together, 泽维尔 和 Ignatius were ordained priests in 1537. 第二年, 泽维尔去罗马参加了导致正式成立的讨论 耶稣会. 经批准,泽维尔担任该协会的秘书,直到1541年离开印度.

His missionary travels took him to many places around the world. In fact, 泽维尔 was the only original companion to leave Europe. He traveled from Rome to Lisbon, Portugal 和 then to India. 一路走来, he assisted in many previously established missions; including those in Mozambique 和 Melindi (Kenya) Africa, Socotra (an isl和 off the coast of Somalia), 和 果阿 (a district on the west coast of India, 以及主要的葡萄牙语中心)和南部沿海地区的其他社区.

In 1549, 泽维尔在日本开始了第一个基督教传教,在那里他在这个国家服务了两年多. In 1552, he set sail to begin the first Christian mission in China. 然而,当他到达内地时,他却不被允许下船. 他在广州附近的一个岛上等了三个月,试图进入这个国家. He died on the isl和 of an acute illness at the age of forty-six. 沙维尔在1622年3月12日被格列高利十五世封为圣徒,与依纳爵罗耀拉同时.

St. 泽维尔 ranks among the greatest missionaries in Christian history. Historians place the number of baptisms at roughly 30,000 people; lore cites numbers up to 100,000. 今天, 鉴于当今的多元化,这种传教的成就可能难以欣赏, 文化相对主义, 以及全球参与, 然而,我们可以从泽维尔身上学到很多东西,比如他有意义、有目的地管理自己的生活和工作. 作者强调了泽维尔的三个品质,这些品质在当今世界值得注意.


众所周知,泽维尔以极大的活力和热情进行了他一生的工作. 例如,当洛约拉邀请泽维尔参加远征远东时,他“欣喜若狂”。. 即使是对他如何移动的描述也捕捉到了他的热情——“他走起路来很开心, “他无论走到哪里,嘴里都含着笑声”。.

他对传教工作的热情主要来自于那些派遣他的人对他的支持和祈祷,以及他看待自己服务的美好. He was serving God 和 helping others. He was helping others by helping them to find God.

当泽维尔意识到他的工作和生活并不容易时,他的热情得到了强调. 17世纪的海上航行充满了危及生命的危险. 此外, by the time 泽维尔 finished University studies, 他的父亲, 他的母亲和一个妹妹去世了(他的父亲在他6岁的时候就去世了),他的其他姐妹和兄弟也都结婚了. He felt as lonely as "an orphan". However, it was not only during this time that he felt this way. For much of his life he struggled with feelings of loneliness, depression 和 chronic feelings of inferiority.

他对神无限的信心使他在面对障碍和挫折时不再灰心丧气. 这种自信使他在生活中充满了喜悦和热情. He lived his life with zeal for the 神更大的荣耀. He wrote to a fellow Jesuits about his safe arrival after traveling, 在这一生中, we find our greatest comfort living in the midst of danger, 这是, if we confront them solely for the love of God."

Passion-driven achievement

泽维尔为自己设定了很高的标准,并对未来有雄心勃勃的计划. He was a man of quick perception 和 sound judgment. 虽然他很狂热,但大家都知道,他是如此狂热,而且不会失去对事实的现实把握. 然而,他的目标不是成为“最好的”或“第一”,而是产生影响. He was driven by a passion, 和 an internal energy. He passionately pursued extra-ordinary yet realistic challenges. 促使泽维尔设定高标准的动机是他以一种他认为对地球上所有人都有益的方式帮助他人的动力. 泽维尔 conducted his work in the spirit of 魔法师; a Latin term meaning "more" 和 used by Loyola to underscore good character in service to others.

Openness to the influence of others

The third quality is associated with 泽维尔's personality, including how he related to others as well as himself. It goes beyond enthusiasm 和 passion. 泽维尔 was known to be a charismatic man. 他有“潇洒而强健的个性”,被形容为“令人震惊”。, “决定性的”, “快乐”, “活泼的”, “实用”, “稳健”, 还有一个“敏锐”, ambitious" boy in school.

今天, he would be described as a "people person". 他很成功,因为他能轻易地与不同社会阶层的人交往, 比赛, 和信仰. 泽维尔 understood people. 他学习了当地的语言,并采用了他所服务的民族的土著服装. 泽维尔 lived the beginning of "礼仪"; he had a deep sense of cross-cultural underst和ing, 并意识到上帝的存在已经存在于所有的文化中, 国人民, 地点和事物. 他的欣赏值得注意,因为他的信仰并不总是如此. It grew out of his experiences. 泽维尔 was certainly not a flexible or passive individual. 他果断果断,以巴斯克人的“暴躁”性格和气质而闻名. 因此, 泽维尔's experience of cultural plurality was ultimately exhilarating, but initially frustrating, confusing 和 challenging.

While trying to unify the world under Christ, 泽维尔 was discovering the depth 和 extent of differences. He learned that God was revealed within those differences. At first, differences were viewed as obstacles to his goal. 后来,他发现了语言、信仰、文化和生活条件的多样性和美. He began to feel 和 know God's work. He was transformed in his underst和ing of "difference" 和 "oneness". While his work had a profound influence on others, 他开始认识到,通过互动和接触,他同样受到了影响. As former Superior General Fr. Peter Hans-Kolvenbach, S.J. 所述, "When the heart is touch by direct contact, the mind may be challenged to change" (SCU, 2000).

These three qualities of St. 在他的一个同伴对他的描述中有所反映 我从未见过比弗朗西斯更充满信仰和希望,更开明的人. He never seems to lose his great joy 和 enthusiasm. He talks to both the good 和 the bad. 无论让弗朗西斯做什么,他都会心甘情愿地去做,因为他爱每一个人.

The Seal of 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的校徽:黄、白、蓝三色的圆圈. Text reads: Universitas Xaveriana Cincinnatensis M-DCC-XX-I

印章 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 reflects the Jesuit order 和 the life of St. 泽维尔. 五个竖条纹暗示了泽维尔家族的盾形纹章. 他穿着耶稣会长袍的右臂高举着一个十字架,象征着沙维尔的传教和传教工作. The three seashells denote his three journeys into Asia. 盾牌上方是耶稣会的印章his,即希腊语中耶稣名字的前三个字母. Below is the Jesuit motto, A.M.D.G. [Dei Gloriam少校], which translates "to the 神更大的荣耀", 和 Vidit Mirabilia Magna,这句话出自《推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台》,意为“他见过伟大的奇迹”."

This paper is based on a presentation by 黛布拉·穆尼博士.D. offered at the annual Celebration of Excellence, 这是一项表彰推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台教职员工参与与使命相关的专业发展活动的活动. 这一次, 4月10日, 2006, 是纪念泽维尔建校175周年和耶稣会禧年的校园活动之一.