

了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台的大学学者计划, 包括入场详情, 常见问题解答和项目要求. Acceptance into Xavier's 大学学者 Program comes with many benefits, including a $2000 travel grant available for use toward any Xavier-run or Xavier-affiliated international education program. 



The 大学学者 Program offers incoming students a more challenging curriculum and close support from professors while completing their undergraduate degree.

Students in the 大学学者 Program can declare any major. Students complete the curriculum for their chosen major but they also take honors courses. 这些课程的班级规模通常较小. They typically complement the coursework in the students’ chosen major(s) and/or satisfy core curriculum requirements.
Students apply for the 大学学者 Program because they are looking for an academic challenge beyond the typical undergraduate curriculum. Honors courses allow students to learn alongside other high-achieving students with the personal guidance of professors.

Students in Xavier’s 大学学者 Program also benefit from priority housing selection in their first year with access to Buenger Hall, early course registration, travel stipends and access to private honors study lounges.

Students who complete the curriculum requirements for Xavier’s 大学学者 Program graduate with honors as a University Scholar.


Here are the three major requirements for Xavier’s 大学学者 Program:

  1. Scholars must complete any six courses with the Honors (HONR) attribute; these courses are expected to overlap largely with a student's core requirements and/or a student's major
  2. At least one of these six courses must be HONR 300 (a multidisciplinary "Connections" course taught by two faculty from different departments) any time after their first year;
  3. 学者必须保持累积3.000 grade point average during their freshman year and a 3.此后累计平均绩点200分. Note: only Honors courses with a C or above meet a Scholars requirement.
任何新生都有资格申请, although Xavier’s 大学学者 Program is very selective. Students accepted into the program generally rank in the top 15 percent of their high school class. Applicants need to complete an application form, which includes a brief essay. 也可以要求面试.


在申请荣誉和奖学金之前, students must submit an application for admission to Xavier, either through the Common Application or the Xavier application. Upon submission of an application for admission students will receive an email with log-in credentials that will allow you to access scholarship applications, honors applications and your personal application status page.

When are applications due for University Scholar Programs?

Applications for Xavier’s University Scholar Program can be completed any time after submitting an application for admission to Xavier, 但不得迟于6月15日.

The 大学学者 Program allows Xavier students from every college and major to be challenged with greater academic depth and rigor through a sequence of classes they choose to complement their major and core requirements. 奖学金获得者在四年内修六门荣誉课程, five of which are chosen wholly by the student (to maximize a student's interests and schedule flexibility); the sixth course, HONR 300, 是在第二次吗, 第三, or fourth year and is a multi-disciplinary exploration taught by two faculty from different departments that addresses big ideas that highlight connections between fields. Honors sections of courses highlight smaller enrollments and take advantage of interaction between Honors peers. They emphasize learning across the university and engagement with the world.

Acceptance into the 大学学者 Program comes with many benefits, the most substantial of which may be the recently added $2000 travel grant available for use toward any Xavier-run or Xavier-affiliated international education program. 更多细节可以在这里找到. 另外, 大学学者 are given the option for priority housing selection their first year, 每学期提前报名, 并可进入贵宾室, 厨房和学习设施在Alter Hall. 

Minimum requirements for a student to graduate with Honors as a University Scholar include:
  1. Scholars must complete any six courses with the Honors (HONR) attribute; these courses are expected to overlap largely with a student's core requirements and/or a student's major;
  2. At least one of the six courses must be HONR 300 (a multidisciplinary "Connections" course taught by two faculty from different departments) any time after their first year;
  3. 学者必须保持累积3.000 grade point average during their freshman year and a 3.此后累计平均绩点200分. Note: only Honors courses with a C or above meet a Scholars requirement. Students whose grade point averages fall below these figures will be placed on probation within the Program and given a semester in which to bring up their grades.


卡里姆米. 初学者


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