Graduate Admission


William D. Ford Direct Loan Program

The University participates in the William D. 福特联邦直接贷款计划,借贷者直接从美国政府获得联邦贷款资金.S. Department of Education. Loans are borrowed money and must be repaid by the student.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

提交FAFSA并注册至少一半时间的研究生可能有资格获得直接无补贴贷款, a long-term, low-interest loan. 在七月一日或之后首次发放的直接无补贴贷款的利率, 2024 and before July 1, 2025 is fixed at 8.08%. 在借款人停止注册至少一半的时间后六个月开始偿还贷款.

首次借款人必须满足两个条件才能接受无补贴贷款. 入学咨询提供关于学生借款人的权利和责任的信息. The Master Promissory Note (MPN), or loan agreement, is the student's legal promise to repay the loan money borrowed. Both items will be completed at


Program Loan Limit
Teacher Certification Programs $12,500
Graduate Degree Programs $20,500
Lifetime Maximum (includes federal loans received for undergraduate study) $138,500

Please note: With Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, a 1.在任何贷款款项送到推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台之前,从贷款总额中扣除57%的贷款费用.

Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

注册至少一半时间的研究生可以选择申请研究生PLUS贷款, which is a credit-based loan. 在7月1日或之后首次发放的直接PLUS贷款的利率, 2024 and before July 1, 2025 is fixed at 9.08%. Loan r付款开始六个月后,借款人停止登记至少一半的时间. Before you apply for a PLUS loan, 利用联邦直接无补贴贷款,它的利率和贷款费用都较低.


There is a 4.228% loan fee for all Direct PLUS loans.

*For Summer periods of enrollment, 学生应在5月1日或之后完成PLUS贷款申请和主本票(MPN). For Fall and Spring periods of enrollment, 学生应在6月1日或之后完成PLUS申请和MPN. A credit check will be performed as part of the loan application; the credit is valid for 180 days. 如果获得批准,贷款必须在信用检查到期之前发放.

Private Education Loans

为需要额外经济援助的学生提供各种私人贷款. 我们强烈建议学生在考虑私人贷款之前先申请联邦贷款. 私人贷款是商业贷款,通常需要信用检查,可能需要信誉良好的共同签名. The interest rates are fixed or variable. 申请的贷款金额不能超过就读费用减去其他经济援助来源.

We have included several lenders on our private loan list. 他们是根据他们的贷款费用、利率/条款和客户服务来选择的. 请注意,学生可以选择任何贷款机构,不限于贷款机构名单上的贷款机构. 有关私人贷款选择和贷款机构的更多信息,请访问 FastChoice website.

决定申请私人贷款的学生将直接在贷款人的网站上申请. The lender will notify us if the student has been approved. If a loan has been approved, 学生经济援助办公室的工作人员将证明贷款(只要学生已注册课程)。. 贷款款项将于开课前3天发放至学生帐户. 贷款申请和认证过程大约需要2-3周. 对于即将到来的秋季学期,建议申请截止日期为6月30日. 这应该有足够的时间让贷款得到认证(如果批准的话),并出现在秋季账单对账单上.

Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program (NEALP)

护士教育援助贷款计划(NEALP)为在经批准的俄亥俄州护士教育计划中注册至少一半时间学习(或接受注册)的俄亥俄州居民提供经济援助. NEALP为打算担任教师的护士或打算在毕业后担任护士的学生提供资金. 申请人将根据FAFSA数据和NEALP申请获得NEALP资助. 表现出最高水平需求的申请人将首先获得资助. The application period is January 1 to July 15th of each year. Visit the NEALP website for more information.


2023-2024学年的年度贷款金额为每年1,650美元. 贷款可授予最多十二个季度或八个学期或同等. 在俄亥俄州担任全职护士五年的受助人将有资格100%取消NEALP.


2023-2024学年的年度贷款金额为每年6,000美元. 贷款可授予最多十二个季度或八个学期或同等. The total aggregate loan amount shall not exceed $12,000. After graduation, NEALP接受者必须在俄亥俄州担任护士教员至少四年才有资格获得 100% NEALP cancellation.

Code of Conduct

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台致力于为学生和他们的家庭提供最好的客户服务. It is our goal to provide information and advice, in keeping with federal requirements, 哪个是考虑到学生和家长的最大利益而决定的. 确保学生和他们的家庭继续从财政援助人员那里得到公正的建议, and to avoid the potential for, or appearance of, conflicts of interest regarding student loans, 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台在与贷款人的关系中应遵守行为准则, guarantors and servicers of education loans.

Xavier University's Financial Aid Code of Conduct