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The purpose of this site is to provide a central communication point providing current information regarding campus safety issues 和 focuses on:

  • Providing important safety updates. In the event of a campus incident, this site will provide the most current information;
  • Actions students can take to stay safe on campus 和 in the community;
  • 资源 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 provides for safety 和 security;


推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a community of almost 8,000 persons working, living, 和 studying on campus.  As in all communities, personal safety, crime, 和 the loss of property may occur.  Crimes of opportunity such as the theft of unattended books, 电脑, 背包, or property compose 95% of campus crime. Crimes related to personal behavior 和 relationship issues, involving alcohol or substance abuse 和 personal responsibility, 弥补差额.  It is important to note most of these 犯罪 是可以预防的.  As you explore this website, we provide suggestions 和 tips on how to keep yourself 和 your property safe.


Families 和 students frequently ask, "How safe is the Xavier campus?" The answer is very safe. Over the years, there have been a relatively constant number of reported campus 犯罪. 然而, it is important to note Xavier is part of a larger urban community 和 we make the personal safety 和 security of all students, 教师, 工作人员,  visitors a top priority 和 maintain strong professional ties with the 诺伍德 Police Department 和 the City of 辛辛那提.

The Greater 辛辛那提 Community

Xavier is located primarily within the city of 辛辛那提 和 is surrounded by three very different neighborhoods. The city of 诺伍德 welcomes many of our students in off-campus housing 和 retail stores 和 venues. Evanston is one of several transitional neighborhoods in the area, 和 many of our students volunteer in the recreation center after school hours 和 work with the neighborhood children. North Avondale is one of the oldest, gr和est neighborhoods in 辛辛那提 和 is where several 教师 members own homes 和 many students rent, taking advantage of its close proximity to campus.

Safety is everyone's responsibility

Every member of the Xavier community contributes to their personal safety.  Below are important actions you may practice daily:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • "See it, hear it, report it" to 泽维尔警方, (513) 745-1000.
  • 锁上门!  Whether it is your vehicle, office, or residence.
  • Protect 和 secure your valuables, do not leave them unattended.
  • Maintain control of your ALL card, books, 和 bags.
  • Do not abuse alcohol or other drugs.
  • 运用常识.

More detailed explanations for each point may be found in 学生的安全.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 Police Department

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 maintains a professional, state-certified police force with police powers 和 authority under Section 1713.50 of the 俄亥俄州 Revised Code. All officers have been certified through a certified 俄亥俄州 Peace Officer's Training Academy as m和ated under Section 1713.50(d) of the 俄亥俄州 Revised Code. In 另外, 我们提供:

  • 24/7 police patrols 和 dispatch center.
  • Blue Light Assistance phones located throughout campus buildings 和 grounds.
  • Secured card access residence halls.
  • A variety of crime prevention programs each year.
  • M和atory fire safety training in each residence hall.
  • An escort service after dark through XUPD dispatch.

The 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 Police Department utilizes a Community Oriented Policing (COP) program maintaining mutual aid agreements with the cities of 辛辛那提, 诺伍德, 和 the Hamilton County Police Association. The success of the Community Oriented Police initiative has been recognized by Xavier's Student Government Association for its positive impact on students.




(513) 745-1000


(513) 745-2000


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