Multicultural Literature (MEd)



多元文化文学教育硕士为有执照的教师提供研究生学位,他们希望提高他们对儿童多元文学的了解. Teachers learn how to read, 解释, 从越来越多的多元文化和全球文学作品中进行评估和仔细选择,并将其纳入一个充满活力和包容性的世界, international classroom. 它是多元文化教育课程中最有力的组成部分之一, which strives to make our society a more equitable one. 该学位建立在耶稣会致力于正义的传统之上.


具有学士学位和扎实学术背景的学生全年都接受申请. You may begin the program in the summer, fall or spring term.


  • The online graduate application.
  • 一份从学院/大学直接寄来的所有本科和研究生课程的正式成绩单:
    入学 Processing Center
    3800 Victory Parkway
    辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州 45207-5131
    Electronic transcripts to xugrad@泽维尔.edu
  • Official test scores from the 研究生 Record Exam (GRE). 如果你以前参加过GRE考试,并且想把你的成绩寄给推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台, please contact GRE at 1-888-GRE-SCORE.

在收到所有必要的材料后,申请将立即处理, and you will be notified of your status as soon as possible. 招生委员会考虑入学申请中包含的所有信息, including prior grades, test scores and evidence of potential for success in graduate study.



  • Undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited university AND
  • 入学 test score
Test score may be waived under one of the following conditions:
  • State licensed teacher
  • 攻读硕士学位.Ed. 或米.S.Ed. without licensure (if undergrad GPA is 3.0或更高)
  • Pursuing a principal or administration license
  • Pursuing a second license or endorsement
  • 攻读硕士学位ontessori teaching credential only

*国际学生可能有额外的申请要求. 看到 International 研究生入学s for more information.

有关申请流程的问题,请发送电子邮件至研究生服务办公室 xugrad@泽维尔.edu.




大多数先决条件是通过获得有效的教学证书或执照来满足. 研究生候选人必须拥有(或正在完成)有效的教学证书或执照.

EDEL 314:在小学教学阅读或EDRE 569:读音和识字的基础............ 3cr.


The following 9 hours of core courses are required for the MEd.

EDFD 500: History and Philosophy of American Education............ 3cr.

EDFD 505: Organization of Education Systems in the United States............ 3cr.

EDFD 507: Educational Research............ 2cr.

EDFD 508: Educational Research Paper............ 1cr.

Concentration Requirements


EDCH 501: Advanced Children's Literature *............ 3cr.

EDCH 505: Storytelling as a Cultural Craft............ 3cr.

EDCH 515: Adolescent Literature............ 3cr.

EDCH 520: Multicultural Literature *............ 3cr.

EDCH 528: Current Topics in Children's Literature............ 3cr.

EDEL 652: Culturally Responsive Teaching............ 3cr.

Choice of a literature course offered by the English Department............ 3cr.

* Required course for program
**经项目主管的书面许可,EDCH 524《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》和EDCH 526《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》可以在项目中被替代.

完成儿童多元文化文学硕士课程的学生必须通过综合考试,并且必须能够在以下领域写得很好:, multicultural literature for children, storytelling as both a genre and a craft, the impact of multicultural literature on the elementary curriculum, adolescent literature as it impacts a global society, and analysis of appropriate literature for children.

All requirements are subject to change.

俄亥俄州 Reading Endorsement K-12

持有有效的俄亥俄州教学证书或任何类型的执照的专业人士,希望完成K-12阅读教师认证的要求, which is an endorsement to the teaching certificate or licensure, 必须完成以下课程,或在以前的本科或研究生学习中完成:

EDRE 269/569: Foundations of Literacy............ 3cr.

EDRE 471/671: Content Area Literacy............ 3cr.

EDRE 472/672: Theories of Reading............ 3cr.

EDRE 478/678: Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties............ 3cr.

EDRE 479/679: Practicum in Reading............ 3cr.


The remaining six credit hours may be chosen from the following:

EDCH 501: Advanced Children's Literature............ 3cr.

EDCH 505: Storytelling as a Cultural Craft............ 3cr.

EDCH 515: Adolescent Literature............ 3cr.

EDCH 520: Multicultural Literature............ 3cr.


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MEd in Multicultural Literature 课程

Educator sitting cross legged with two elementary-age students

完成多元文化文学教育硕士课程的学生需要参加一个全面的考试,并且必须能够熟练地写关于儿童文学的文章, multicultural literature for children, storytelling as genre, the impact of multicultural literature on the elementary curriculum, adolescent literature as it impacts a global society, 分析适合儿童发展和文化的文学作品.


Reading Endorsement for Educators


完成多元文化文学教育硕士学位的持证教师可以单独或作为其学位课程的一部分攻读俄亥俄州阅读背书. 那些希望获得俄亥俄州阅读背书的人还需要完成50个小时的实地工作.


Summer Reading Camp


推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台有一个强大的暑期阅读实习,始于35年前. 这个热门的暑期课程是为想成为阅读教育课程领域的大师教师的教师设计的,是阅读医学硕士课程的一部分.

Explore Reading Camp

Multicultural Literature (MEd) Program at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台

泽维尔教育学院提供儿童多元文化文学专业的教育硕士学位. 该专业学位旨在满足持牌教学专业人员的需求,他们希望在课堂上为儿童提高他们对各种文学的了解. 该学位包括30个小时的课程,其中21个小时专注于文学的多样性, using a global lens. In alignment with our Jesuit ideals, 教师示范如何与学生建立个人关系, listen to them in the process of teaching, 并吸引他们的个人主动性和学习的责任. This program of student-centered instruction, characterized by structure and flexibility, provides the best methods, 技术, and content knowledge needed to meet the needs of the whole person.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台's College of Professional Sciences prepares undergraduate and graduate students intellectually, morally and spiritually for careers and professions of service. CPS通过促进合作和社区伙伴关系,挑战学生追求卓越的学术成就和终身学习, and incorporating research, scholarship and innovation.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a private university located in 辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, 提供耶稣会天主教传统的文科教育. 该大学成立于1831年,是美国第六古老的天主教大学. 它被美国大学评为中西部地区前10名的硕士水平大学之一.S. 新闻 & World Report for the past two decades. 《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》将其评为“美国最好的385所大学”之一."