


Good stories help us better underst和 世界, ourselves 和 one another. 作为一名英语专业的学生, you’ll perfect the art of writing while exploring the history 和 interpretation of different literary genres, 包括小说, 非小说类, 科幻小说, 诗歌, 演讲, 脚本和更多内容. You'll also have the opportunity to customize your academic journey according to your career aspirations through the program's writing 和 literature concentrations.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台, located in 俄亥俄州辛辛那提, is nationally recognized as a top university by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 和 普林斯顿评论. 99%的学生, 包括英语专业的学生, 工作, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduation (Class of 2022).






的 sample course sequence below illustrates class offerings for the 英语 major. 咨询官方 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台课程目录 详细的注册和咨询信息.


  • 英语115:修辞学............ 3cr.
  • 核心100:第一年研讨会............ 3cr.
  • 核心101 GOA:第一年联合课程计划1............ 0cr.
  • 第二语言............ 3cr.
  • 哲学100:伦理学导论............ 3cr.
  • 数学的角度............ 3cr.


  • 文学 & 道德想象力............ 3cr.
  • 神学111:神学基础............ 3cr.
  • 第二语言II............ 3cr.
  • 历史的视角............ 3cr.
  • 哲学200:哲学观点............ 3cr.
  • 核心102 GOA:第一年联合课程计划II............ 0cr.


  • 英语210:方法工作坊............ 3cr.
  • 科学的角度............ 3cr.
  • 创意视角............ 3cr.
  • 神学的角度 ............ 3cr.
  • 定量推理标志............ 3cr.


  • 英语第221课:诗歌............ 3cr.
  • 理论/批评专业选修............ 3cr.
  • 自然科学选修课............ 3cr.
  • 人文选修课............ 3cr.
  • 社会科学选修课............ 3cr.


  • 英国文学............ 3cr.
  • 美国文学............ 3cr.
  • 口头沟通标志............ 3cr.
  • E / RS选修............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.


  • 英国或美国文学专业选修............ 3cr.
  • 语言/语言学专业选修............ 3cr.
  • 多样性的旗帜............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.


  • 英语专业............ 3cr.
  • 英语专业............ 3cr.
  • 写强化标志............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.


  • 英语499:高级研讨会............ 3cr.
  • 英语专业............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.
  • 一般选修/双主修或辅修要求............ 3cr.



  • 英语语言的历史(ENGL 321) - Explore the fascinating history of how 英语 gained legitimacy, has been maintained 和 continues to proliferate as a dominant force on 世界 stage. 英语 专业 in this course examine the socio-historical story of the 英语 language, 包括起源, 变异, 改变, 合法化, 维护与传播.
  • 美国西部文学(ENGL 479)考查以美国西部为背景的长篇小说和短篇故事, 过去和现在, 被史蒂芬·克兰等美国作家所写, 多萝西·约翰逊, 科马克•麦卡锡, 谢尔曼狼烟》, E.L. 多克托罗和安妮·普罗克斯.
  • 美国少数民族文学(英语489) - - -阅读, study 和 discuss a wide range of American minority literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. 
  • 媒体写作(COMM 206) - 媒体写作入门课程, 包括公共媒体和受控媒体, 在打印, 广播或网上表格. 发展新闻技能, 新闻风格写作和专题写作, 以及广告中使用的其他风格, 新闻及公共关系. Workshop/laboratory setting with deadline writing experience.
  • 复制的要素 & 设计(COMM 237) - Provides fundamental knowledge 和 skill in 广告文案, 布局设计, 课程主题将包括解读目标受众, 创意构思, 广告文案, 设计与布局. 的 vocabulary 和 language associated with graphic design/advertising 和 production processes will be covered. Students will develop a variety of sample advertisements during the course.


99% 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生, 包括英语专业的学生, 工作, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduating (Class of 2022). 探索泽维尔的 职业成果仪表板 按专业查看职业成果.

就业机会: 的 英语 major develops the critical thinking 和 communication skills needed for careers in 市场营销, 教育, 出版, 新闻, 网站内容管理和公共关系. 职业机会包括文案, 数字内容战略家, 编辑器, 英语老师, 自由撰稿人, 格兰特的作家, 记者, 销售协调员, 医疗/技术作家, 非营利组织管理, 营销经理, 公共关系协调员, 搜索引擎优化策略, 老师, 作家, 人工智能提示工程师, Web内容管理器

更多: 泽维尔的 职业发展办事处 assists students in their search for employment by offering individual career counseling sessions, 举办研讨会和维护雇主数据库. More than 100 nationally known companies visit the campus annually to interview graduating seniors for open positions.


  • 读书俱乐部, 的 Book Club offers a welcoming 和 inclusive environment for students to come together 和 explore literature in a relaxed setting. It provides a space for open-minded discussions 和 encourages creative expression beyond the confines of traditional coursework.
  • 泽维尔新闻专线, 泽维尔新闻专线 is 泽维尔的 weekly campus newspaper that is written 和 edited by the students of 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台.
  • 钟楼内审查, 钟楼内审查 泽维尔的文艺杂志是什么. Students publish 诗歌, prose, 和 art in this review once per semester.
  • 电影 & 电视俱乐部- - - - - - Members in this club produce a weekly news broadcast including a sports segment, 整个节目都是由学生制作的.

当我们追求更多的东西时, 我们变得更伟大.





在泽维尔, you can major in 英语 while working toward specific requirements for secondary (high school) 老师 certification. Our department collaborates closely with the School of Education to provide a program tailored to prepare you for a teaching career.


Group of students holding a Xavier Flag in Edinburgh, Scotl和

作为一名英语专业的学生, you'll have opportunities to study abroad in Irel和 和 Engl和 where you’ll watch plays at Shakespeare’s Globe 剧院, 学习英语和爱尔兰作家, 探索博物馆,学习英语学分课程.


俄亥俄州辛辛那提市中心的夜景. 建筑物的灯光映照在俄亥俄河上.

In 俄亥俄州辛辛那提, you'll find numerous internship opportunities to develop your skills in editing, 新闻, 市场营销, 格兰特写作, teaching 和 strategic communication planning in the corporate, 私营和非营利行业.



你在寻找学术挑战吗? 的 University Scholars Honors Program offers incoming students a more challenging curriculum 和 close support from professors while completing their undergraduate degree. Acceptance into the program is highly selective 和 includes a $2000 travel grant.



的 36-hour 英语 major begins with courses designed to develop students' writing 和 introduce them to the history 和 interpretation of literary genres 和 the theories behind interpretation. Upper-division literature courses deal with specific periods or themes. 其中三门是选修课. Students seeking secondary teaching certification can fulfill the 英语 requirements for certification without taking 英语 courses beyond the major requirements. 本科s who wish to be certified as 老师s of 英语 on the secondary level are advised to consult with the Chair of the 英语系 和 with the Office of Teacher Education 和 Placement regarding specific requirements for 老师 certification.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 文理学院 challenges students to develop an integrated underst和ing of humanity, 世界, 和 God by pursuing the questions raised in 泽维尔的 core 和 departmental curricula. 的 文理学院 is the oldest 和 largest college at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台. 的 college provides an excellent liberal arts 教育 in the Jesuit tradition that prepares students for careers, 专业或研究生院, 以及全球化社会的生活.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a private university located in 俄亥俄州辛辛那提, providing a liberal arts 教育 in the Jesuit Catholic tradition. Founded in 1831, the University is the sixth-oldest Catholic university in the nation. It has been ranked among the top 10 master's-level universities in the Midwest by U.S. 新闻 & 过去二十年的世界报告. 普林斯顿评论 names it one of the "Best 385 Colleges in America."