Criminal Justice

Bachelor of Science

Program Details

作为一名刑事司法专业的学生, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of criminal and delinquent behavior while exploring current criminal justice philosophies, ethics, 方法和技术. You’ll also complete an internship and explore career paths at sites like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 俄亥俄州康复和矫正部 and various law enforcement agencies. Classes involve everything from blood spatter and hair analysis to fingerprinting and hostage negotiation workshops with the S.W.A.T. team. 

Xavier University, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, is nationally recognized as a top university by U.S. News & World Report and The Princeton Review. 99%的学生, 包括那些刑事司法专业的学生, are working, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduation (Class of 2022).

Degree Awarded



犯罪学(溅血), hostage negotiation, crime scene reassembly, 在暴乱中获得控制权, fingerprinting)


The sample course sequence below illustrates class offerings for the Criminal Justice major. Consult the official 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台课程目录 详细的注册和咨询信息.


  • 刑事司法101:刑事司法概论(社会科学选修课)............ 3cr.
  • second language I............ 3cr.
  • 核心100:第一年研讨会或Theo 111:神学基础............ 3cr.
  • 核心101:课外项目............ 0cr.
  • 英语101:英语写作或英语修辞学............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.


  • 刑事司法102:执法入门............ 3cr.
  • 历史观点选修............ 3cr.
  • second language II............ 3cr.
  • 核心100:第一年研讨会或Theo 111:神学基础............ 3cr.
  • 核心102:课外项目............ 0cr.
  • 口语交际选修............ 3cr.


  • 刑事司法103:矫正导论............ 3cr.
  • 哲学100:作为哲学入门的伦理学............ 3cr.
  • 神学观点选修............ 3cr.
  • English 205: Lit & Moral Imagination............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.


  • 刑事司法犯罪学............ 3cr.
  • 刑事司法381:研究方法(科学视角选修)............ 3cr.
  • ERS Elective............ 3cr.
  • 数学视角选修课............ 3cr.
  • 哲学观点:哲学200............ 0cr.


  • 刑事司法2011年基本内容:法律 & Amer. Justice............ 3cr.
  • Criminal Justice Elective............ 3cr.
  • 多样性课程要求/DCR............ 3cr.
  • Humanities Elective............ 3cr.
  • 定量推理选修............ 3cr.


  • 刑事司法240:刑法............ 3cr.
  • Natural Science Elective............ 3cr.
  • 创意视角选修课............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • Writing-Intensive选修............ 3cr.


  • 刑事司法482:计划变更/管理............ 3cr.
  • Criminal Justice Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.


  • 刑事司法391:刑事司法实务............ 3cr.
  • 刑事司法489:高级研讨会/顶点............ 3cr.
  • Criminal Justice Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.

Sample Courses


  • 执法入门(CJUS 102) - Overview of policing problems and procedures; legal and philosophical issues in law enforcement; organization and administration of police agencies.
  • Criminology (CJUS 206) - This course explores the cause of crime and deviance from varying theoretical perspectives in the social sciences. As an introductory survey of the classical and positivist schools of criminology, 涵盖的理论包括人类生态学, 社会结构方法, 社会过程(学习)理论, socio-biological theories, 发展理论和控制理论.
  • 基本法与美国司法(CJUS 210) 研究《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》的批准和纳入. Examines judicial review, 联邦和州法院系统的管辖权和组织, and the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment provisions relevant to law enforcement and judicial process.
  • CJUS的研究方法(CJUS 381) This course is designed to acquaint students with basic research methodology that is useful in understanding criminological and criminal justice scholarship. By the end of the course the students should: (1) understand the language of research, (2)理解和应用研究过程和数据收集策略, and (3) have a basic understanding of research appearing in professional journals. 本课程满足学生科学视角的要求.

Career Outcomes

99% of Xavier students, 包括那些刑事司法专业的学生, are working, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduating (Class of 2022). Explore Xavier's 职业成果仪表板 按专业查看职业成果.

刑事司法项目的校友继续在: 辛辛那提警察局, U.S. Department of Justice, 俄亥俄州康复和矫正部, Ohio State Highway Patrol, the FBI

Careers: Highway patrol officers, correctional officers, correctional counselors, 当地和联邦执法人员, 法医专家, attorneys, probation officers

More: Xavier's Career Development Office assists students in their search for employment by offering individual career counseling sessions, 举办研讨会和维护雇主数据库. More than 100 nationally known companies visit the campus annually to interview graduating seniors for open positions.

Student Clubs

  • Criminal Justice Society- The mission of the Criminal Justice Society is to provide an opportunity for students to learn about those working in and impacted by the criminal justice system. The club emphasizes educational and hands on experiences to enhance the students' professional development.
  • St. 托马斯莫尔法律预科协会 强烈建议法律预科学生加入St. 托马斯莫尔法律预科协会. This group meets several times a year to discuss the law school application process and careers in the legal profession.
  • Xavier Mock Trial Club- Xavier’s Mock Trial Club participates in regional and national intercollegiate competitions. Club members—who consist of students interested in acting or Pre-Law--use legal cases to participate in trial simulations where they are assigned specific roles, such as attorneys, witnesses, etc. in order to improve their skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and legal reasoning. 这个俱乐部的顾问是来自辛辛那提地区的专业律师.
  • OIP-u- OIP-u是俄亥俄州大学倡导无罪的网络. Their mission is to bring awareness to wrongful convictions, specifically in Ohio. The Xavier OIP-u chapter works to prevent wrongful conviction by promoting awareness on college campuses and to generate student and community support for the nonprofit Ohio Innocence Project.

当我们追求更多的东西时, 我们变得更伟大.


Request Information

Gain Hands-On Experience From Police, Court and Other Criminal Justice Professionals


作为一名刑事司法专业的学生, you'll engage in supervised placement within various criminal justice agencies. This invaluable experience allows you to immerse yourself in the day-to-day operations alongside professionals from police, court, 惩教部门. Alternatively, you may find yourself collaborating with counselors and caseworkers within local treatment centers.


Learn Alongside Incarcerated Individuals in Xavier's Unique Prison Exchange Program


体验由内到外的监狱交换计划, where Xavier students learn alongside incarcerated individuals inside a level-three state prison. 被关押在附近的男女监狱, 这门变革性的课程将来自不同背景的学生团结在一起.




Sign on after graduation for Xavier’s online master’s in Criminal Justice and prepare to become a top-level decision maker in the field such as chief federal probation officer, 联邦调查局的主管或州惩教部门的负责人.


Graduate With Honors

你在寻找学术挑战吗? The University Scholars Honors Program offers incoming students a more challenging curriculum and close support from professors while completing their undergraduate degree. Acceptance into the program is highly selective and includes a $2000 travel grant.



The Criminal Justice program at Xavier University has a long history of preparing graduates for careers in law enforcement, 司法制度和惩戒. 其咨询委员会成员包括法官, prosecutors and police, 惩教及更生专业人员. These longstanding relationships with community organizations provide students with multiple out-of-classroom opportunities to learn from professionals in the field. 毕业生在刑事司法系统的各个方面工作, while some complete Xavier’s online master’s in Criminal Justice in preparation for administrative careers or go on to earn law degrees.

Xavier University's 职业科学学院 为本科生和研究生做好智力准备, 在道德上和精神上为事业和专业服务. CPS challenges students to strive for academic excellence and life-long learning through promoting collaboration and community partnerships, 并结合研究, 学术与创新.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台是一所位于辛辛那提的私立大学, Ohio, 提供耶稣会天主教传统的文科教育. Founded in 1831, the University is the sixth-oldest Catholic university in the nation. It has been ranked among the top 10 master's-level universities in the Midwest by U.S. News & 过去二十年的世界报告. 《推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台》将其评为“美国最好的385所大学”之一."