


化学 is the study of matter, including its composition, 属性 和 structure. It’s a broad 和 complex field that helps make sense of 世界 around us, from how fossil fuels are created to why onions make people cry. 作为推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台化学专业的学生, you’ll get to harness your curiosity about how things work through studying the five major branches of chemistry: 有机 chemistry, 无机化学, 分析化学, 物理化学与生物化学. You’ll also complete individual research alongside expert faculty, conduct experiments 和 have access to multiple campus labs.

这个项目是由 美国化学学会 (ACS) 和 leads to the 化学学士学位 degree. 


商业化学, 化学教育, 计算化学, 环境化学, 法医化学, 化学与国际研究, 前期, Pre-Health




The sample course sequence below illustrates class offerings for the 化学 major. 咨询官方 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台课程目录 详细的注册和咨询信息.


  • 化学160:普通化学1............ 3cr.
  • 化学161:普通化学I实验室............ 1cr.
  • 数学170:微积分1............ 4cr.
  • 第二语言102............ 3cr.
  • 英语写作/修辞学 ............ 3cr.
  • 101年核心............ 0cr.


  • 化学162:普通化学II............ 3cr.
  • 102年核心............ 0cr.
  • 化学163:普通化学II实验室............ 1cr.
  • 数学171:微积分II............ 4cr.
  • 化学180:化工企业导论............ 1cr.
  • 第二语言201............ 3cr.
  • CORE 100:第一年研讨会 ............ 3cr.


  • 化学240:有机化学1............ 3cr.
  • 化学241:有机化学I实验室............ 1cr.
  • 数学220:微积分III............ 4cr.
  • 物理170:大学物理1............ 3cr.
  • 物理161:物理入门实验1............ 1cr.
  • PHIL 100:伦理学是哲学的入门 ............ 3cr.


  • 化学242:有机化学II............ 3cr.
  • 化学242:有机化学II实验室............ 1cr.
  • 化学226:定量分析............ 3cr.
  • 化学227:定量分析实验室............ 1cr.
  • 物理172:大学物理2............ 3cr.
  • 物理163:入门物理实验室II............ 1cr.
  • THEO 111:神学基础............ 3cr.


  • 化学320:物理化学............ 3cr.
  • 化学340:仪器分析............ 3cr.
  • 英语205:文学 & 道德想象力............ 3cr.
  • 历史的视角............ 3cr.
  • 社会科学选修课............ 3cr.


  • 化学322:物理化学II............ 3cr.
  • 化学325:物理化学II实验室............ 1cr.
  • 化学341:仪器分析实验室............ 1cr.
  • 化学330:量子化学............ 2cr.
  • 化学400:研究............ 1cr.
  • PHIL 290:知识论 ............ 3cr.
  • 神学的选择性............ 3cr.
  • 创造性的观点............ 3cr.


  • 化学420:无机化学............ 3cr.
  • 化学450:有机化学主题............ 3cr.
  • 化学400:研究............ 1cr.
  • E / RS选修............ 3cr.
  • 化学421无机化学实验室 ............ 1cr.
  • 多样性的选择............ 3cr.


  • 化学400:研究 ............ 1cr.
  • CHEM 440:生物化学............ 3cr.
  • 人文选修课............ 3cr.
  • 一般的选择性............ 3cr.
  • 一般的选择性............ 3cr.
  • 一般的选择性............ 3cr.



  • 普通化学I /实验室(CHEM 160/161) - This is a pre-professional course approved by the 美国化学学会 for chemistry 专业. It covers the fundamental principles of chemistry including atomic 和 molecular structure, 物质的状态, 化学计量学, 能量的关系, 元素周期表和溶液化学. The following mathematical concepts are used: scientific notation, 对数, 二次方程和比例. Lab work includes practice in the basic operations of chemical laboratory work.
  • 化工企业导论(CHEM 180) - An introduction to concepts 和 techniques needed to succeed as a professional chemist. 讨论的主题包括化学文献, 科学伦理, 演讲指引, 分子建模.
  • 有机化学I (CHEM 240) - This course is the first in a two semester sequence of 有机 chemistry. This is a pre-professional course approved by the 美国化学学会 for chemistry 专业 和 required of many other science 专业. 本课程探讨基本结构, 属性, preparation 和 reaction mechanisms of 有机 compounds.
  • 化学研究/研讨会(CHEM 400) - 本科 students engage in h和s-on research guided by faculty mentors, 以一篇全面的论文告终. Weekly seminar sessions provide opportunities for students to present their findings, 与演讲嘉宾互动, 并促进围绕各种科学话题的讨论.
  • 生物化学(CHEM 440) - This course covers into the intricacies of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids 和 nucleic acids. 本课程探讨它们的结构组成, 独特的属性, 以及它们在细胞代谢中的重要作用.


99% 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生, 包括化学专业的学生, 工作, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduation (2022届毕业生). 此外,推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生有一个 86% 医学院录取率(5年平均), 2022届毕业生), 相比之下,全国只有40%. 探索泽维尔的 职业成果仪表板 按专业查看职业成果.

就业机会: 分析化学家, 生物, 化学工程师, 化学技术员, 临床科学家, 牙医, 食品科学家, 有机化学家, 法医实验室分析员, 工业化学家, 药剂师, 医生, 研发化验师, 合成化学家, 毒理学家, 水质分析主任

Discover more career options with the career portals at the 美国化学学会 和 美国生物化学与分子生物学学会.

更多: 泽维尔的 职业发展办事处 assists students in their search for employment by offering individual career counseling sessions, conducting workshops 和 maintaining an employer database. More than 100 nationally known companies visit the campus annually to interview graduating seniors for open positions.


  • Alchemyst俱乐部- - - - - - 有没有参加过液态氮冰淇淋聚会? This club is made up of chemistry enthusiasts who love to experiment 和 discuss the ins 和 outs of the study of matter.
  • STEM领域的少数族裔共同成功 Become part of a supportive community dedicated to empowering minority STEM 专业. 发现一个你可以茁壮成长的空间, connect with peers 和 build confidence in your identity while pursuing excellence in STEM.
  • 物理俱乐部- - - - - - Students in the 物理 Club organize trips to national labs, host cool experiment series 和 events that connect to physics, 比如滑冰(摩擦)!)和水球发射.

当我们追求更多的东西时, 我们变得更伟大.

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推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台, located in 俄亥俄州辛辛那提, is nationally recognized as a top university by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 和 普林斯顿评论. 99%的学生, 包括化学专业的学生, 工作, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduation (2022届毕业生). 


化学 Major taking advantage of the campus labs 和 equipment

作为一名化学专业的学生, you'll have access to campus labs that include a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, a气相色谱仪/质谱仪, 红外光谱仪, 气, 多通道分析仪, 一个高效液相色谱仪和更多.




本科 research is a major component of the chemistry major curriculum. At Xavier you'll engage in h和s-on research guided by faculty mentors, present your work at regional 和 national meetings 和 showcase your research at the annual Celebration of Student Research.


俄亥俄州辛辛那提市中心的夜景. 建筑物的灯光映照在俄亥俄河上.

In 俄亥俄州辛辛那提, students in the chemistry major can access numerous internship 和 mentorship opportunities at major companies like Kroger 和 Procter & 赌博. Additionally, the city boasts some of the nation's premier hospitals 和 healthcare networks.



你在寻找学术挑战吗? The University Scholars Honors Program offers incoming students a more challenging curriculum 和 close support from professors while completing their undergraduate degree. Acceptance into the program is highly selective 和 includes a $2000 travel grant.



The 化学 major at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a minimum 120-hour degree program that is approved by the 美国化学学会 (ACS) 和 leads to the 理学学士 degree. Students completing the program graduate as "ACS certified" 专业. The curriculum covers the five major fields (analytical, 生物化学, 无机, 有机, 和物理化学), 化合物的制备与鉴定, 以及关于这个主题的文献.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 文理学院 challenges students to develop an integrated underst和ing of humanity, 世界, 和 God by pursuing the questions raised in 泽维尔的 core 和 departmental curricula. The 文理学院 is the oldest 和 largest college at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台. The college provides an excellent liberal arts education in the Jesuit tradition that prepares students for careers, 专业或研究生院, 以及全球化社会的生活.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a private university located in 俄亥俄州辛辛那提, providing a liberal arts education in the Jesuit Catholic tradition. Founded in 1831, the University is the sixth-oldest Catholic university in the nation. It has been ranked among the top 10 master's-level universities in the Midwest by U.S. 新闻 & 过去二十年的世界报告. 普林斯顿评论 names it one of the "Best 385 Colleges in America."