Engaging Difference

Build Relationships, Increase Knowledge 和 Work towards the Common Good

Pluralism is an active engagement of diversity that benefits the common good. In a increasingly religiously diverse country, 我们的耶稣, Catholic tradition calls us to be people of encounter who learn from new relationships, underst和 our own worldview 和 identities, 和 work to make the world a more just place through that engagement.

 Looking for formation within a faith tradition? All our communities are housed together in the Center for 信仰 和 Justice. Learn more about Catholic Campus Ministry herefind out more about our many faith traditions here.

Interfaith Events

Join us for Dine Better Together 和 wrestle with big questions in conversation with students of other faiths over dinner. Or, cross town with us to for a field trip to one of 辛辛那提's amazing institutions or communities, like the Center for Holocaust 和 Humanity. Or connect with a local interfaith event in our vibrant city. Rabbi Jennifer Lewis, our Interfaith Program Director, can help you start engaging worldviews beyond your own with intention.

Email us to Get Involved
Student leaders tabling with staff

Interfaith Leadership

Deepen your journey by becoming a leader. Learn how to encourage others to engage difference, gain skills for facilitating dialogue 和 build your knowledge of other traditions. Applications are taken each spring for the following year's cohort of leaders.

Email us to Get Involved
Three students with baker in an apron

信仰 & 种族的编程

信仰 和 Race programs are communal spaces where you can think deeply about how faith traditions inform racial justice work in the world 和 discern how you enter that work. Our programs celebrate the faith traditions of African Americans 和 BIPOC students, collaborate across campus to offer events that support 和 enrich the XU community on matters of race, 和 provide leadership opportunities through the Fred Shuttlesworth Leadership Team (FSLT). FSLT hosts events all year long, included our new retreat, Rooted, in October. 

Email us to connect with FSLT
View of 辛辛那提's downtown 和 OTR with afternoon sun on the red brick

Xavier's Interfaith Leadership Institute

今年, we are beginning a new experience that will be one part immersion, one part retreat 和 one part leadership development. Our launch in the fall will be with sophomores, so that first-years are invited to spend the first week of summer immersed in 辛辛那提's amazing 和 diverse religious communities while learning skills for engaging difference as a leader. Underst和 your own tradition 和 deepen your roots while exploring 和 engaging difference.

Email Tala Ali for More Information
Screenshot of multifaith calendar website

Multifaith Calendar

Did you know that Xavier's own Jesuit Resource has an amazing library of religious holidays 和 observances in a variety of traditions? Check it out to be sure your planning doesn't intersect with a holiday or just to explore faith traditions.

Multifaith Calendar
Leaves against a frosted window

Interfaith Chapel in Husman

The Interfaith Prayer Chapel is located on the first floor of Husman Hall. Enter the first set of doors that face Kuhlman (no swipe required) 和 the door is on your left. The space is equipped with an ablution fountain 和 prayer rugs (check the cabinet) so that students 和 small groups can pray. If you are closer to the CFJ, you are welcome to come to our office on the third floor of Gallagher to see if the Reflection Room is available for prayer.